
10th Sep 2019

Picture this…The alarm on your phone goes off. It’s still dark outside. 3am to be exact. Taxi arrives in 30 mins. You pop your uniform on, and the next minute you are on the plane greeting passengers and asking them to pop their seatbelts on. The day is off to a flying start . 14 hours later, you are in a hotel on the other side of the world. You are exhausted. Your feet are swollen and you wondered why on earth you bought the cheap shoes with th… Read more
Introducing The New Line of Precision, Comfortable and Stylish, Skechers GOWalk4For super comfy feet while walking, it’s hard to look past a pair of Skechers. Skechers are great at combining fashion and comfort in the ath-leisure department!The latest in the Skechers core offering is the GOWalk 4. This style has been engineered to be the best in Skechers’ design philosophy yet. The GogaMax technology which makes up the super soft and comfy fo… Read more
Your kids school shoes will suffer more abuse than almost anything else that they will wear. For five days a week, most weeks in the year, these shoes need to hold up to a great deal of asphalt scraping, handball scruffing, jumping, climbing and chasing during on a typical day at school.Shoemakers understand this, and so school shoes are built to be tough, but there are some basic tips to follow to keep the shoes looking as best as they can… Read more
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